Agriculture Dryer
Suntec Systems provides multi-function dryers for sale including the Agriculture Dryer machine, multi-function Organic Dryer as one of the prime organic dryers manufacturers in India. The company deals with renewable energy Food Dryer for agriculture, relying on solar energy even when every commercial or agriculture dryer in the market is made of fossil fuel or electrical energy.
By using solar energy for the Organic Dryer, Suntec ensures that the products are dried at specific low temperatures preserving their quality in taste, appearance, and nutrition. Agriculture Dryers relying on fossil fuel drying are known to destroy the nutritional content of agricultural products. With several types of the dryer in agriculture, one can expect electrical drying to be quite expensive for drying purposes.
Suntec systems for Renewable Energy Dryers that offer multiple functions – especially to preserve foods in Food Dryer by drying its inherent water content efficiently. This helps reduce the chances of bacteria, viruses or mites that live on these products, reducing the health impact of the food. This renewable energy dryer also doubles up as an agriculture dryer machine for drying farm fruits and vegetables with efficiency.
Get a quote on Renewable Energy Dryer especially multi-function drying machines from our team today!

Agriculture Dryer
SC RD 300, SC RD 600, SC RD 1200, SC RD 2500
- Products are dried at specific low temperature there by optimizing product quality.
- Dehydration is effective method of drying;which has large impact on final taste and appearance of products.
- Helps to preserve foods by removing inherent water content which is responsible for growth for bacteria, germs, algae and resultant spoilage and waste.